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food for life

helping the world's poorest by breaking the hunger cycle.

food for life

helping the world's poorest by breaking the hunger cycle


Why we exist

Every night one in nine people across the planet go to bed hungry. We are part of a lasting solution to break the hunger cycle. 

We do this by actively working alongside communities to create simple yet long-term food solutions that they can take ownership of.


With this approach, we empower local communities with the dignity and satisfaction of feeding themselves. We show communities how they can eat not just today, but into the future.

our difference

Communities with secure access to nutritious food experience improved quality of life. Food security allows individuals to realise their dreams and reach their full potential by stimulating greater productivity, economic growth and a reduction in poverty.

We are dedicated to empowering communities who are hungry for change by increasing their capacity for agricultural productivity and resilient, sustainable food production.

We believe in fostering dignity through empowerment, equipping people to provide for themselves and their family beyond today, into the future for generations to come.

our approach

We partner with families, farmers and local NGOs to provide training and resources to create long-term food solutions.

We focus on nutritional and sustainable farming practices that benefit family health, protects the environment and is easily applied in different environments.

Our projects are founded on improving food security, income and environmental regeneration. 

We do this through school/community gardens, crop diversification, agroforestry and seed banking.

our initiatives

find out more about what we do

food for life

Equipping communities to grow their own food in simple and sustainable ways. This increases access to a constant supply of nutritious food, particularly important for vulnerable groups within the community including pregnant women and children.


seeds for life

Providing farmers with access to a variety of quality seeds at the beginning of the planting season to ensure a successful harvest, and protecting harvested crops with appropriate storage to reduce post-harvest losses.


enterprise for life

Farming represents an important income-generating opportunity that can give families access to better education, housing and healthcare. We teach communities business skills and connect them to markets so they can consistently earn more.


equipped for life

Training communities in long-term, sustainable and nutritious farming practices that are simple and realistic for their context. This ensures that entire communities are equipped with skills that will benefit future generations.


 collaborations & partners 

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Breaking the Hunger Cycle is an initiative of World Relief Australia (WRA), an overseas development agency dedicated to equipping passionate people and delivering global poverty solutions. WRA began by providing war relief during and after World War II, and today is active in the delivery of more than 100 development projects in 50+ nations.

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