our heartbeat

our heartbeat
Empower the world’s poorest to break their hunger cycle.
A world where communities can sustainably access nutritious food daily in order to live to their full potential.
life-time change
Self-sufficient communities are the future. We believe in granting power and dignity to people in poverty by training and equipping them to provide for themselves and their family beyond today, and well into the future for generations to come.
We engage in sustainable farming practices that provide food security, protect the environment and are dedicated to long-term solutions rather than short-term feeding programs.
All people everywhere need access to nutritious food. We believe in helping communities establish safe, nutritious, sustainable food sources in order to achieve optimum health and build their capacity to function at their fullest potential.
We are constantly pursuing innovative, creative yet simple farming solutions that are able to be successfully applied within various contexts in communities living in the developing world.

Dr Donald Van Cooten
Breaking the Hunger Cycle is an initiative led by international agriculture specialist Dr Donald Van Cooten, Dr Donald is the CEO of World Relief Australia where he has facilitated the delivery of hundreds of community development initiatives in more than 50 countries across the globe. He has more than 35 years of experience and success in developing innovative and effective farming solutions that bring about lasting change in communities.
Confronted with extreme poverty in Indonesia while in his early 20's, Dr Donald made a personal commitment to go above and beyond the usual short-term, unsustainable assistance handed out by aid projects to focus instead on identifying and formulating long-term solutions to the underlying causes of poverty and hunger.